Frontend for openssl to check key chains

Since checking SSL key chains with openssl is sometimes a bit tricky, I have written a little perl script as wrapper around it.

Just download, unzip it and run it as follows:

./ -p server port

-p (optional) prints out the certificates as well
server is the server to check
port (optional) is the port to connect to.

Here is the code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $has_date_parse = 1;
eval {
	require Date::Parse;
	Date::Parse->import( qw/str2time/ )

if ( $@ ne "" ) {
	print "Module Date::Parse not found! Skipping expiration date calculation!\n";
	$has_date_parse = 0;

my $print_cert = 0;
my $host = shift || &usage();
if ( $host eq '-p' ) {
	$print_cert = 1;
	$host = shift;
my $port = (shift || 443);

my $output = `echo "\t" | openssl s_client -host $host -port $port -showcerts 2> /dev/null`;

my $cert_num = 0;

my $line;
my @certs;
my %certs;

foreach $line ( split /\n/, $output ) {
	if ( $line =~ /BEGIN CERTIFICATE/ .. $line =~ /END CERTIFICATE/ ) {
		$certs[$cert_num] .=  "$line\n";
	$cert_num += 1 if $line =~ /END CERTIFICATE/;

my $i;
my $serial;
my $attribute;
foreach $i ( 0 .. scalar @certs -1 ) {
	$serial = qx{echo "$certs[$i]" | openssl x509 -serial -noout};
	$serial =~ s/serial=//;
	chomp $serial;
	$certs{$serial}{'certificate'} = $certs[$i];

	foreach $attribute ( qw/issuer subject issuer_hash subject_hash enddate/ ) {
		$certs{$serial}{"$attribute"} = qx{echo "$certs[$i]" | openssl x509 -$attribute -noout};
		chomp $certs{$serial}{"$attribute"};
		$certs{$serial}{"$attribute"} =~ s/notAfter=//;

	# Certificate stored, reuse @certs to keep order with serial number
	$certs[$i] = $serial;
	$certs{$serial}{"order"} = $i;

print "\nChecked server: $host on port $port\n";

my $found;
foreach $i ( 0 .. scalar @certs -1 ) {
	print "\nCertificate $i:\n";
	$serial = $certs[$i];
	print "\t", $certs{$serial}{"subject"}, " (hashed: ", $certs{$serial}{"subject_hash"}, ")\n";
	print "\tserial number (check in browser): $serial\n";
	print "\texpires: ", $certs{$serial}{"enddate"};
	if ( $has_date_parse == 1 ) {
		print " (in ", int ((str2time($certs{$serial}{"enddate"}) - time) /60/60/24  ), " days)" ;

	print "\n";
	print "\t", $certs{$serial}{"issuer"}, " (hashed: ", $certs{$serial}{"issuer_hash"}, ")\n";
	print "\tissuer found in chain: ";
	$found = "NO - should be root certificate";
	if ( $certs{$serial}{"issuer_hash"} eq $certs{$serial}{"subject_hash"} ) {
	} else {
		foreach ( keys %certs ) {
			if ( $certs{$serial}{"issuer_hash"} eq $certs{$_}{"subject_hash"} ) {
				$found = "YES";
	print "$found\n";

if ( $print_cert == 1 ) {
	foreach $i ( 0 .. scalar @certs -1 ) {
		print "\nCertificate $i:\n";
		$serial = $certs[$i];
		print $certs{$serial}{"certificate"}

sub usage {
	print "Usage: $0 [-p] server_name [port]\n";
	print "\t-p : also print certificates\n";
	print "\tserver_name : server to check, mandatory\n";
	print "\tport : port to check, default: 443\n";

Its output is as follows:

$ ./

Checked server: on port 443

Certificate 0:
	subject= /C=DE/OU=Domain Control Validated/ (hashed: dad54aee)
	serial number (check in browser): 11213FB18C3CEF8B39A731AB874D155363F2
	expires: Dec  8 11:13:28 2015 GMT (in 318 days)
	issuer= /C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/CN=GlobalSign Domain Validation CA - SHA256 - G2 (hashed: 79701ca5)
	issuer found in chain: YES

Certificate 1:
	subject= /C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/CN=GlobalSign Domain Validation CA - SHA256 - G2 (hashed: 79701ca5)
	serial number (check in browser): 040000000001444EF03E20
	expires: Feb 20 10:00:00 2024 GMT (in 3314 days)
	issuer= /C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/OU=Root CA/CN=GlobalSign Root CA (hashed: b0f3e76e)
	issuer found in chain: NO - should be root certificate