Installing a Vagrant BaseBox of CentOS

  • Install a minimal system of CentOS in VirtualBox
  • Activate networking on boot by enabling eth0 in
  • Add a vagrant user and assign the password vagrant to it
  • Give sudo rights to that user by adding vagrant ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL with visudo
  • Disable requirement of having a TTY by commenting out the following settings with visudo:
    #Defaults    requiretty
    #Defaults   !visiblepw
  • Add insecure Vagrant public key from to vagrant’s authorized_keys
  • Add development tools for building the guest addons with
    yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=c6-media install kernel-devel gcc make dkms perl

    The repo options are useful if you want to install from local installation media (ISOs) instead of fetching all from the net.

  • Install guest addons with
    ./ --nox11
  • halt the machine
  • Remove all hardware that is not necessary from the base machine or else it will be available on the machines set up with Vagrant later!
  • Package Box with
    vagrant package --base Name-Of-Machine-In-VirtualBox


Should Vagrant be unable to connect to your boxes derived from that base box, you might have a problem with SELinux, see here how this can be fixed!

SSH doesn’t allow logins with keys? SELinux!

If you have correctly setup your authorized_keys and are sure it should allow you logins with keys – then maybe SELinux is giving you a hard time. Especially if your user is not under the normal home directory folder /home. In your /var/log/{auth,secure} files you will see that sshd is not allowed to open authorized_keys and/or authorized_keys2 after you set the “LogLevel DEBUG” in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

In that case, try to set the correct settings again:

chcon -t ssh_home_t ~PROBLEMATIC_USER/.ssh/
chcon -t ssh_home_t ~PROBLEMATIC_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys

Now everything will work again.

Charge HP Stream 7 while using it with an OTG cable

After a quite frustrating experience with an HP Stream 7 tablet, which refused to get charged while having a USB stick connected to it via an OTG cable, I found an extremly easy solution:

Just disable the Microsoft AC Power Supply which can be found in the device manager under Batteries.

Voila – that’s it.

I have the German version only where it says Microsoft Ladegerät and can be found under Akkus.